Sourced Press and Springhouse are delighted to announce our First Annual Wayzgoose Celebration. The Wayzgoose is a printer’s tradition from the 16th century, celebrating the transition from printing by sunlight to candlelight. We will be celebrating this tradition by bringing to light how letterpress, screen-printing, and bookmaking are not only incredible art forms but serve a vital role in culture change. The day (11am to 4pm) will be filled with collaborative workshops with guest artists in our print shop, booths from printers near and far with shops and demonstrations, and talks highlighting the rich history of printing. Festival schedule coming soon! Giggles the Bus will be selling delicious plant-based food during lunch.
This September 18th is International Type High Day. .918 We never feel better at Port City Letterpress than when we are Type High.
This October 28th and 29th we will again be a vendor at Poplar Grove for their annual Goosebump event. Come see the main house decorated for All Hollows Eve.
This Saturday, August 28 we will be in Halifax, NC at the clerks office printing on their Iron Hand press copies of the April 12 Resolves. This document is the first written instrument were a colonial delegation put on paper that all colonies should seek independence from King George of England. Sending delegates to the 2nd continental congress to do so.
A lot has happened in 2022 and there is more to come in 2023. We opened the season at Poplar Grove with “Herb and Garden Show”. We held several classes in Typography and Printing, took our press to UNCW campus to demonstrate letterpress printing to Ned Irvine’s
art class and welcomed several elementary school classes at the studio for a presentation of type and printing. Several events at the “Grove” kept us very busy with “Goosebumps in the Grove” and “All is Bright” two major vendor and crowd packed days and nights. Enjoy the images and we look forward to expanding our studio with several new presses.
Ollie and I spent the afternoon with students in Ned Irvine’s Typography Class at UNCW. We demonstrated the Kelsey 5×8 press while students got to set type and print on the Kelsey. We got great feedback from all the attendees as well as Professor Irvine. We look forward to future events on campus.